Gardening To Feel Good Groups - Spring 2023☀️

Come and see what we got up to at our Gardening To Feel Good groups this Spring. These were the first blocks of groups in 2023 and it was fantastic to have the garden back open again after a long winter.

It was a pretty cold and stunted start to the spring this year, with many a creature, seed, shoot or human seemingly a little hesitant in its emergence to begin with…but the pace soon picked up with all the budding tasks and beauties of spring in the garden! 

We were greeted peacefully by the fruits of the labour of the last Gardening To Feel Good group in 2022, with bursts of colour from the varieties of tulips and daffodils, followed swiftly by the dazzling alliums and Iris’s. The blossoms of the fruit trees swirled in the May breeze, as the not-quite-as-delicate-as-they-look blooms of cornflowers, sweet rocket and corncockle stood as the showstoppers of the season.  

One of the main places we focused our attention during this block was on a little spot in the garden that had been a bit neglected at the end of last year (thanks to a wasp’s nest causing us to barricade it off for several weeks!) - the quiet zone, nestled in the back of Baby Bloom, amongst the herb spirals and fruit trees. The weeds had begun to burst up with all the other perennials, so we spent some time digging out the budding thistles, nettles, sticky weed and dock, before covering the patch with weed suppressant and slabs to make our cosy little seating corner all snug again! We used salvaged rocks and wooden border rolls to help extend the path around the apple tree and planted lots of sunflowers and nigella, eagerly awaiting the chance to sit quietly amongst their gorgeous blooms soon!

These groups run for 8 weeks at a time throughout the year. They are small groups and give us the opportunity to work together, meet new people and share skills. If you’re feeling a bit down, or anxious, and feel like some time outdoors doing something productive will make you feel good, come along! These groups are for everyone.

Each week we will be working together on the garden, doing a variety of activities. You are free to do as much, or as little as you like. Some examples of things we get up to are; digging, planting, sowing seeds and weeding. Tea and biscuits are always provided, along with chats and friendly faces. Come and join us!

For more information drop an email to or visit our website here.


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