How To Plant Tulips

Tulips are super easy to grow and little very little looking after. You can grow them in pots, or in the ground and they create a spectacular display in early Spring.

If you are planting them in pots, you can plant them fairly close together. Just fill up your pot about half full of compost, place your bulbs on top with the pointy end facing upwards, and then cover over with more compost. You should aim for the bulbs to be covered with about 10cm of soil. Give them a water, and leave them to do their thing! Just keep an eye out for wildlife who might want to eat your bulbs as a snack. We get a lot of wildlife at the Bloom garden, so I’ve covered our pots with some chicken wire to save them from being chomped on.

To plant tulips in the ground…

  1. Prepare your ground by digging either a hole, or a trench if you have a lot of bulbs, about 8 - 10 cm deep. 

  2. Sprinkle on some compost to enrich the soil. 

  3. Place your bulb in the hole, with the pointy end facing upwards. Or if you've dug a trench, place your tulips next to each other, with about a finger's width between them.

  4. Cover over with soil and firm down. 

  5. Water well. 

You can plant your bulbs very close together if you are growing loads of bulbs for cut flowers. We lay ours very close to each other to make sure we are making the most of our space. It also encourages the stems to reach for the light, therefore creating a flower with a longer, straighter stem. Just ensure that your bulbs are nice and deep in the soil to give them a secure grounding.

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